SUBJECT & Test prep TUTORING | Learning & Memory | Nurture, Stimulate, Enrich, Read, Challenge, Invest

Perceive, Identify, Navigate, Problem-Solve, Communicate, Remember Process & Encode Knowledge | Enrich Your Brain

Naperville Tutoring | Leader in Education

Exceptional Student Results


What our student's and parent's are saying

Naperville Tutoring provides exceptional high quality One-on-One Test PREP and academic Subject Tutoring. They are determined to excel in their academic efforts. Each year we serve hundreds of students, anywhere in the U.S, Naperville and surrounding school districts. Naperville Tutoring's reputation with parents, their sons and daughters, high school counselors is the result of 25+ years of excellent service, ethical conduct & helping students succeed.

Our mission is making an impact, delivering subject tutoring & test prep achieving exceptional student results.

We strongly encourage submission of your ACT & SAT test scores to universities that prefer tests, even if they are "test optional". The percent of students admitted with a test is higher than without a test at many universities.

Although your GPA is important for admissions as a measure of your academic achievement, the ACT or SAT tests have score distributions that have not changed over time compared to students' GPAs. Admissions have seen a GPA inflation over time, meaning that there are more A's currently than seen a decade ago. The ACT & SAT test scores are consistent over time.

Naperville Tutoring's proven test prep results will enable you to enter the high school or university of choice.

We revel in a culture of learning and helping others. Our tutoring process is a guidance & educational methodology, closing knowledge gaps, reaching high composite test scores which align with students' goals.

And as a by-product student's increased confidence will serve them throughout life. Parents tell us where their sons and daughters excel ... years later, when achieving the career and job of choice!

Now that is what we are talking about....Naperville Tutoring's life-changing mission accomplished!

What we offer



Naperville Tutoring offers Subject Tutoring, regular, honors & AP courses. Naperville Tutoring works with students at differen levels who are determined to excel in their academic efforts and improve their GPAs.

SAT & ACT TEST PREP Foundational Courses, SUMMIT SAT TEST PREP ™, SUMMIT ACT TEST PREP ™ & SUMMIT HSPT PREP services are offered locally & nationally with Live Interactive Online tutoring sessions or classes.


Read More: ACT PREP

Read More: SAT PREP

Read More: HSPT PREP

Proven Methodology

History ... Our Approach
Academic Offerings
Test Prep & SUMMIT Test PREP ™

All of our HSPT students have been welcomed into private high schools on completion of their HSPT.

Naperville Tutoring has helped students raise their ACT scores 3 - 9 points, 100 - 290 points on the SAT, and even perfect composite scores. We have guided hundreds of families through a successful standardized testing experience.

The founders of Naperville Tutoring are premier experienced teachers, instructing students with 1,000 + hours of test prep each school year. We administer our prep with two instructors & guarantee our expertise.

Our families view us as a trusted resource that delivers exceptional outcomes.  Families across the U.S. seek out expertise to help their sons and daughters 
REACH FOR 1600 ™ or REACH FOR 36 ™ on their SAT & ACT Tests.

Naperville Tutoring is strongly committed to providing students instructional expertise in academic subjects & test preparation; we provide academic boosts to help students close educational gaps.  Our individualized and customized approach has offered a reliable and trustworthy path for students to improve their grades, achieve excellent results on private high school & college entrance exams while improving academic aptitude. Hundreds of our students have & will attend their "University of Choice”, even the most competitive universities, without a mountain of debt, many with a full-ride scholarship.

We are proud to have helped students from Glenbard West High School, Naperville Community Unit School District 203: Naperville Central High School, Naperville North High School, Indian Prairie School District 204: Neuqua Valley High School, Metea Valley High School, Waubonsie Valley High School, Benet Academy, Joliet Catholic High School, Montini Catholic, Hinsdale North & South High Schools, Lexington High School, Massachusetts, Lisle High School, Marmion Academy High School, Plainfield Central, South, East, North High Schools, St Francis High School, Tabor Academy, Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, Wheaton Academy, Wheaton North High Schools, & Wheaton Academy. Many high schools have added Naperville Tutoring | SUMMIT TEST PREP ™ to their tutoring resource lists informing parents & students of our services. We tutor high school students from Naperville and surrounding schools, California to Massachusetts, Michigan to Florida & across the USA.

Read More: Our History


Business Acumen



Naperville Tutoring is a vital teaching resource assisting students through their middle & high school years, trusted by students, parents, school community members, teachers, & friends. We have earned unmatched trust as a result of our ethics & our commitment to realize the potential of every student we serve, evaluating each student’s history & progress in order to offer the highest quality & customized scollege readiness test preparation.

Naperville Tutoring has pioneered an innovative approach to ACT & SAT Test PREP, continually evaluating their approach, to consequently evolve the “Best Test PREP Curriculum” and delivery method.  It is their belief that continued evaluation results in quality product improvements. Delivery of test prep is utilized through leveraging digital technologies, with viewing through an Interactive Smart Board.

Read More | VISION



Big Picture

Investment - ROI

Our mission is to help all students get into the University or College of Choice, even the most competitive universities, without a mountain of debt for parents or the student.

Results!  That’s what you want when you invest in ACT or SAT PREP.  You are paying for results and not for the course itself.

There are two factors to consider when you decide whether or not it is worth it to take SUMMIT ACT & SAT PREP ™ … a quantitative factor.  First, let’s talk about the quantitative factor that is on everyone’s mind regarding a college education: Money.

What does your investment in SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ or SUMMIT SAT PREP ™ buy you?  Perhaps up to a 921% or better return on your investment!  Does that sound implausible to you?  It shouldn't. 

Getting your ACT score to 30 or higher, or a 1390 on your SAT combined with your GPA of 3.7 or better, could land you a full ride scholarship at many universities.  With the average 4 year public and private college cost for tuition and fees of $41,352 to $152,740, a full ride scholarship represents a 921% to 3,671% Return on Your Investment.  For many universities with a 4 year cost for tuition and fees of up to $280,000, your return on investment would be considerably higher than 3,671%.  We don’t know of any investor who would not be ecstatic over that return on investment.

Read More: About ROI & Qualitative Factor


Big Picture



Many students and parents would like to know how our previous students and parents view our services. We hope their testimonials will give you confidence and comfort in our services.

We understand the impact of ACT & SAT Test results for students and their families.

Naperville Tutoring is deeply rewarded when we hear our students reach their test goals ... even more delighted when we hear news from families whose son or daughter received admittance to his or her Dream University, often with scholarship aid. We are honored to have had a small part in helping. Now that is exciting & rewarding!

Students' average increase is 3 to 5 points up & 90 to 150 point up for the SAT Test. When you see a 7-9 point gain on the ACT or 210 -270 point gain on the SAT, students have usually taken the test 3 times. With 3 tests, you will qualify for SuperScoring, adding a point or two.

Naperville Tutoring's Results | Scores Jump! | Even a Perfect 36!

30-35, 27-31, 32-36, 29-33, 27-34, 26-30, 28-35, 27-31, 28-35, 27-34 SS, 25-29, 27-31, 22-27, 28-32, 30-36, 25-27, 25-30, 28-32, 29-31, 26-32, 24-29, 26-32, 29-31, 25-30, 28-35, 28-32, 27-31, 25-29, 21-24, 22-27, 25-32, 25-32, 22-27, 21-24, 25-29, 27-31, 22-27, 28-32, 30-36, 25-27, 25-30, 28-32, 29-31, 26-32, 24-29, 25-29, 26-32, 32-35, 22-31, 23-27, 24-27, 27-32, 23-26, 17-22, 27-31, 22-31, 29-31, 32-34, 27-29, 22-29, 19-22, 24-29, 26-33, 28-33, 29-32, 21-25, 28-34, 25-31, 27-29, 29-30, 26-30, 26-30, 26-31, 25-30, 17-24, 16-22, 30-32, 29-31, 21-26, 20-25, 20-26, 23-25, 27-30, 22-24, 29-31, 22-30, 24-27, 28-32, 26-34, 32-34, 22-30, 24-28, 26-29, 26-30, 16-24, 18-23, 29-32, 28-32, 19-23, 20-24, 20-25, 30-33 SS, 25-27, 24-26, 30-32, 28-31

Read More: What our student's and parent's are saying

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 Release Your Child's Potential

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Naperville Tutoring | SUMMIT HSPT, ACT & SAT PREP ™
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