The ACT is composed of four multiple-choice sections - English, Math, Reading, & Science & a optional essay section - Writing.
Total testing time is 2 hours & 55 minutes for the ACT without Writing; 3 hours & 35 minutes for the ACT with Writing. All sections add up to a perfect score of 36.
Should you take a ACT ONLINE, a classroom course or choose a One-on-One tutor?
It can be costly in both time and money. However, practice sessions, taking sample tests, review of weaker areas of concern and tracking of your scores during a class or One-on-One tutoring is helpful.
You can get excellent results with a disciplined approach, One-on-One Expert Instruction & a ACT Guide book. If you chose a One-on-One tutor, you should learn about ACT subject areas, as well as, strategies for how to take the test. You will need to know content & methods or processes for all subjects.
Feedback is essential to avoid making the same errors and to know why you may have missed an understanding of a subject area. Ask us about our student participation & how it is helpful to avoid making the same error.
Choosing the right tutor can be difficult for a parent, their son or daughter. Call us to understand how Naperville Tutoring's ACT PREP gives students an EDGE, achieving high composite scores.
You should know that Naperville Tutoring provides individualized & personalized, One-on-One tutoring. We provided Small Group ACT PREP classes prior to the COVID pandemic.
You will have 2 instructors to guarantee subject expertise. Multiple problem solutions will improve your subject
foundation skills ..... and your confidence!
We target & tailor our prep to your subject area needs improving both your weak and strong subject areas.
High Student
Participation is key in our approach, along with rehearsal of subject & type-cast question strategies, engaging & keeping you attentive. This pays off on the day of the test as your brain remembers necessary & important concepts, along with strategies on the day of the ACT test due to your rehearsals & practice.
With Naperville Tutoring's ACT PREP, your goal and progress is our goal.
Review our testimonials and see what students & parents in the Naperville area schools have shared. These test prep testimonials and comments are posted to help families evaluate our services and more importantly, the test results. Our hard-working students are accomplishing extraordinary test results.
companies promise results. It is important a company does more than promise; they should provide you a "track record of proven improved test results".
Naperville Tutoring offers One-on-One ACT PREP tutoring with LIVE ONLINE INTERACTIVE ZOOM
• Expertise in ACT PREP | 2 Teachers
- • ACT Test Preparation to Raise your ACT score
- • High Participation from Students
- • 4 ACT Authentic Practice Tests
- • Barron's Subject Assessment & Practice Tests
- • Diagnostics Defining Strengths & Weaknesses
- • Tracking & Assessment of Progress at each Tutoring Session
- • Strengthen Weaker Subject Areas to Maximize Improvement
- • Improve Stronger Subject Areas Reach for 36 ™
- • ACT Barron's Subjects | English | Math | Reading | Science
- • SUMMIT Test Prep Syllabus | Proven Tool at Naperville Tutoring
- • Barron's English | Grammar, Usage & Punctuation, | Contexual Comprehension of Standard English Conventions | Test Strategies
- • Barron's Math | In-Depth Math Subject Review & Drills | Test Strategies
- • Barron's Reading | Draw Meaningful Connections & Conclusions | Analyze Multiple Texts | Analyze Quantitative Information | Drills & Strategies
• Barron's Science | Draw Meaningful Connections & Conclusions | AnalyzeGraphs & Charts | Analyze Quantitative Information | Logical Reasoning | Drills & Strategies
- • Barron's PREP helps students with the most Difficult Problems on the ACT Test
- • Test Strategies for Subject Areas & type-cast questions | ACT & Barron's Strategies
• Affordable ACT PREP | One-on-One Private Tutoring
• 25+ years tutoring & serving Naperville area, surrounding schools & throughout the U.S.

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© 2025 SMS Design, Inc ™ | All rights reserved Naperville Tutoring | SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ | SAT PREP ™ | SUMMIT HSPT PREP ™ are divisions & trademarks of SMS Design, Inc. Terms of Use |

for College Readiness
SAT vs. ACT | Which test should I take?
What are the differences between the tests?
Choosing the right test is a important decision
of the college admissions process.
Consider your career goals.
If math and science will be a large part of
your university major, STEM classes matter.
The ACT Test will best fit this requirement.
If liberal arts are a strong requirement for
your college degree, the SAT may be your best fit.
Take 2 practice tests and figure out which
test is going to get you the best results.
ACT or SAT: You Decide
Similar to the ACT, the SAT has multiple-choice areas,
but it also has a part in the Math section where you are
required to produce your answers — no chance
of guessing from a set of choices here!

Which college readiness test? ACT or SAT?
If the Universities of interest accept either test, it
is your preference. Each test challenges you
in different ways; taking both will help you
select the test that delivers your best test results
We recommend that you study Test PREP for ONE test.

Our course approach begins with a detailed diagnostic of
students’ strengths & weaknesses.
We customize your ACT PREP.
Our Test PREP approach helps you
to improve your subject weaknesses.
However, we do not forget your subject strengths.
REACH for your Best Results.
We know high test scores are your goal.
It is our goal too!
We truly love what we do at Naperville Tutoring.
We want you to enjoy the learning process
& see the value of test preparation
beyond the day of the test.... in College & for a lifetime
Naperville Tutoring's extensive experience in
test preparation has helped many students.
Naperville area & students across the U.S. who have
experienced our ACT PREP have benefited:
Universities of Your Choice.
Direct Admit
Significant Academic scholarships
Reduce your Cost of a Excellent College Education
Here are Some Good Choices for
ACT Preparation Books
The Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025: 6 Practice Tests +
3 Online Practice Tests, Digital Flashcards | Amazon
Barron's ACT English, Reading & Writing Workbook
3rd Edition
Linda Carnevale, M.A.
Order at Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Barron's ACT Math & Science Workbook
3rd Edition
Roselyn Teukolsky, M.S.
Order at Amazon or Barnes & Noble
6 ACT Practice Tests + Online Practice
Fourth Edition (Barron's Test Prep)
James D. Giovannini & Patsy J. Prince, M. Ed.
We are honored to serve Naperville area Schools & High Schools thru out the u.s.
Naperville Central High School
& Naperville North High School
in Naperville Community Unit School District 203;
Metea Valley High School,
Neuqua Valley High School,
& Waubonsie Valley High School
in Indian Prairie School District 204
Benet Academy, St. Francis High School,
Choate Rosemary Hall, Hamden, CT,
Joliet Catholic Academy, Montini Catholic High School,
Xavier College Prep High School, Palm Desert, CA
Downers Grove South and North High Schools,
Glenbard West High School, Lisle High School,
Marmion Academy High School,
Plainfield Central, South, East, North High Schools,
Somonauk High School,
Tabor Academy, Mattapoisett, MA
Ottawa High School, Oswego High School &
Wheaton & Willowbrook High School
Students from schools anywhere in the U.S.
are welcome. We offer tutoring: Live Online Interactive ZOOM
Our goal is to give your son or daughter the tools for a
competitive academic EDGE during
high school & college years.
Education, Guidance & Evaluation
What are Naperville Area students &
parents saying about our tutoring services
Contact us | Enroll
SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ | One-on-One | ACT Test Results | 7 Points Up | 28 to 35
I just got my ACT score back and am so excited to tell you I got a 35!! Thank you so much for all of your help! I couldn’t have done it without you!
Going into ACT Prep with Mr. & Mrs.Kaliher, I was frustrated & did not think I would ever bring my scores up to where they needed to be. Quite honestly, I was not comfortable with the format of the test, would consistently run out of time, & had no idea what some of the questions on science were even asking?? After getting through most of the SUMMIT TEST PREP SYLLABUS ™ at the beginning, I started to feel more comfortable. I began to learn from my mistakes through Mr. & Mrs. Kaliher's stellar explanations. I used the Barron's Book and the ACT Prep Guide. I noticed a substantial difference in the level of difficulty between the two, with Barron's challenging me the most. However, I now appreciate this challenge. I think it was very beneficial to mess up & run out of time on the harder tests because they prepared me for the hardest of questions.
I cannot thank Mr. & Mrs. Kaliher enough for their flexibility, patience, and overall help in preparing me for the ACT. This year has been filled with such uncertainty. However, they were always willing to accomodate my crazy busy schedule and reschedule most of my prep sessions after my tests were cancelled. They have pushed me to try my hardest, and I am confident I will do my best when I finally get to take an official ACT.
Although we were virtual for most of my prep sessions, I have always felt welcomed into the positive environment they have created. I went into this entire process being intimidated, scared, and not confident with myself. I have come out prepared, confident, and ready to attack the ACT.
Thank you so very much for all of your support and help. I truly appreciate everything! I promise to keep in contact and inform you of my scores and college plans.
G.T. | Student | Joliet Catholic Academy High School
Good morning Joan & Paul, We are Absolutely thrilled with her score!!!! A"35" was her goal all along! Those extra few tutoring sessions just boosted her. **
We can’t THANK YOU enough for making her dream come true! We appreciate everything you did during this crazy time. So grateful she got the score she wanted. She couldn’t have done it without your help! If you can resend anything that you would like me to do to help you grow your business, I’d be more than happy to help! I’m not sure if she mentioned to you, but we took a very last minute trip out to see Dartmouth in New Hampshire on Monday. She loved it and decided that will be her early Decision choice. We will keep you posted as things transpire. Thank you again for everything you did!! I will make sure I sing your praises to all the other sophomore & junior parents! Warm regards.
V. T. | Mom of Daughter G.T. | Joliet Catholic Academy High School
SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ | One-on-One | ACT Test Results | 7 Points Up | 28 to 35
• The testing and being able to not only know that the problem was wrong, but understand why it’s wrong and why the correct answer is correct
• I liked the ACT practice tests because they gave leeway on their grades similar to the ACT
• The Test PREP definitely helped improve my score by multiple points | Accomplished 35 SS | June 12, 2021
• Best part of the test and most helpful was the English section because I continually grew each test
• Zoom was great because it led to more flexibility & less stress
• Yes I would 100% percent recommend Naperville Tutoring & Mr. and Mrs. Kaliher to other family and friends
C.L. | Student | Benet Academy
Hi Joan and Paul,
I wanted to share C's results with you He got a 35 composite: 32 English; 35 Math; 36 Reading; 35 Science
No need to superscore here! We are so thrilled and cannot thank you enough!!! All of your hard work along with C’s paid off. I know we will be contacting you for fall tutoring on calculus and AP physics. Have a wonderful summer
T. L. | Mom of Son C.L. | Benet Academy UMMIT ACT PREP ™ | One-on-One | ACT Test Results | 6 Points Up | 27 to 33
In my honest opinion, I would consider the SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ as the most helpful thing I’ve used in my education career. The environment really helps to cater towards my specific needs while taking the ACT test. I think individually my tutors had a lot of knowledge of what they were doing, especially in the ways they could explain the problems I was having and how I can fix them. There are certain things on the ACT test that you could not do without the help of tutors like them. They help you realize patterns and different ways to take the test that are incomparable to anything else. Sincerely
Z. W. | Student | Naperville Central High School
Thank you for the incredible tutoring. Z was pleased with his score as he thought the test was actually harder than many of the practice tests. He has promised to continue practicing as he is signed up for the July test as well. I have copied a pic of his scores. He improved in every area.
A 10 pt jump in English!
M.W. & G.W. | Mom & Dad of Son Z.W. | Naperville Central High School
SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ | One-on-One | ACT Test Results | 6 Points Up | ~ 30 to 36
Hi Mr and Mrs. Kaliher,
I just wanted to email and let you know that I got my scores back today and I got a 36!
This is my score report, English 36, Math 35, Reading 36, Science 36, which I am completely thrilled about (which you probably guessed).
I really enjoyed working with both of you and I felt the preparation really helped me do my very best and I just wanted to say thank you. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
B. M. | Student | Benet Academy
Naperville Tutoring ACT PREP
We hope this information is helpful in considering Naperville Tutoring for your son's or daughter's SAT or ACT PREP. We welcome working with your son or daughter!
are you prepared for
your ACT test?
call naperville tutoring
1 630.624.6843