One-on-One ACT Test PREP
ACT PREP - ACT UP | SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ | Reach for 36 ™

ACT Preparation
Students have selected the ACT Test as an alternative to the SAT Test; it has grown more popular in the last 10 years. If you are uncertain which test is better for you, take a practice test in both to decide which fits your strengths.
We specialize in One-on-One Test Preparation & customize our approach to each student’s needs & schedule. A detailed accurate diagnosis directs our Prep to target effectively & efficiently the subjects you need help on. No guessing!
A large reason Naperville Tutoring Test Prep is sought after is: we have created "The Summit Test PREP Syllabus™" which we provide as a prerequisite to the first ACT practice test. The Syllabus, along with a ACT practice test, provides a critical diagnosis to target your strong & weak areas.The Summit Test PREP Syllabus™ enables students to master the most difficult problems on a ACT test.
The Syllabus is a proven tool boosting test scores! Many students improve their "first ACT practice test score by 1-3 points up.
Because students have different levels of experience, subject knowledge, & test pacing, Naperville Tutoring’s Test Prep is provided at two different levels: Our Foundational Program is for students who have scored a 26 or below on a real or practice ACT test.
Naperville Tutoring's Summit Program is an enhanced & accelerated course for students who have scored a 27+ on a real or practice ACT test.
We provide a Booster Program for students who want to continue to improve their test results as they REACH FOR 36 ™ on a subsequent 2nd or 3rd test. Many students are taking 3 - 5 tests as super-scoring of test scores is possible if 3+ tests are taken.
Throughout the test prep process we monitor students' progress – based on your performance on the Syllabus and Practice Tests -- our approach dynamically mirrors your needs . Our test prep is not cookie-cutter; you can be sure it is customized.
We freely offer consultation about whether to take the ACT or the SAT,what results you can expect, how many tests should be taken and when, and a host of other topics.
Very few companies or tutors can match Naperville Tutoring's experience & expertise based on the success our students achieve. We are highly regarded by the many families we have served. We are excited & rewarded by our students when they Reach their Goals.
We want students to reach those goals as efficiently as possible, with few trade-offs & little or no wasted effort. We realize that a ACT or SAT test score is only one factor in the college admission process. But still a very large factor, even with the recent “Test Optional” mantra. We understand test preparation should not interfere with your hard work to achieve good grades. We know extracurricular activities & student well being is extremely important.
The Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025: 6 Practice Tests
+ 400 Digital Flashcards + Online Course 1st Edition | Amazon

• SUMMIT TEST PREP SYLLABUS ™ | Proven Tool Boosting Test Scores
• Diagnostic for Difficult Problems | Further Defines Strengths and Weaknesses
• Barron's Workbooks 3rd Edition - Proven Success on difficult ACT Test Problems
- Syllabus Feedback: 2-3 points up after completion of SUMMIT TEST PREP SYLLABUS ™
Here's a sample Intermediate Algebra problem similar to one you may get on the ACT Test.
Booster Program | 8 Hours | Designed for High Goals
REACH FOR 36 ™ | Student Scores Rise 31- 36

Contact us | Enroll

ACT PREP classes differentiated according to student academic level. (Students come with different levels of experience & test pacing.)
We consider your GPA, ACT Practice or Actual Test Score. Because we use diagnostic data up front & throughout our course, you can rely on targeted & efficient ACT PREP accommodating each student's needs.

Tests are self-proctored by students; sometimes a parent helps to time the first test to maximize tutoring time. Your investment is spent on instruction and not spent on paying us to watch a clock.

• Affordable ACT PREP
• 25+ years in tutoring serving Naperville area and surrounding schools
Are You Prepared for your ACT Test?
Are You Ready to Score Your Best on the ACT Test? REACH FOR 36 ™

ACT Preparation
Students have selected the ACT Test as an alternative to the SAT Test; it has grown more popular in the last 10 years. If you are uncertain which test is better for you, take a practice test in both to decide which fits your strengths.
We specialize in One-on-One Test Preparation & customize our approach to each student’s needs & schedule. A detailed accurate diagnosis directs our Prep to target effectively & efficiently the subjects you need help on. No guessing!
A large reason Naperville Tutoring Test Prep is sought after is: we have created "The Summit Test PREP Syllabus™" which we provide as a prerequisite to the first ACT practice test. The Syllabus, along with a ACT practice test, provides a critical diagnosis to target your strong & weak areas.The Summit Test PREP Syllabus™ enables students to master the most difficult problems on a ACT test.
The Syllabus is a proven tool boosting test scores! Many students improve their "first ACT practice test score by 1-3 points up.
Because students have different levels of experience, subject knowledge, & test pacing, Naperville Tutoring’s Test Prep is provided at two different levels: Our Foundational Program is for students who have scored a 26 or below on a real or practice ACT test.
Naperville Tutoring's Summit Program is an enhanced & accelerated course for students who have scored a 27+ on a real or practice ACT test.
We provide a Booster Program for students who want to continue to improve their test results as they REACH FOR 36 ™ on a subsequent 2nd or 3rd test. Many students are taking 3 - 5 tests as super-scoring of test scores is possible if 3+ tests are taken.
Throughout the test prep process we monitor students' progress – based on your performance on the Syllabus and Practice Tests -- our approach dynamically mirrors your needs . Our test prep is not cookie-cutter; you can be sure it is customized.
We freely offer consultation about whether to take the ACT or the SAT,what results you can expect, how many tests should be taken and when, and a host of other topics.
Very few companies or tutors can match Naperville Tutoring's experience & expertise based on the success our students achieve. We are highly regarded by the many families we have served. We are excited & rewarded by our students when they Reach their Goals.
We want students to reach those goals as efficiently as possible, with few trade-offs & little or no wasted effort. We realize that a ACT or SAT test score is only one factor in the college admission process. But still a very large factor, even with the recent “Test Optional” mantra. We understand test preparation should not interfere with your hard work to achieve good grades. We know extracurricular activities & student well being is extremely important.
The Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025: 6 Practice Tests
+ 400 Digital Flashcards + Online Course 1st Edition | Amazon
• SUMMIT TEST PREP SYLLABUS ™ | Proven Tool Boosting Test Scores
• Diagnostic for Difficult Problems | Further Defines Strengths and Weaknesses
• Barron's Workbooks 3rd Edition - Proven Success on difficult ACT Test Problems
- Syllabus Feedback: 2-3 points up after completion of SUMMIT TEST PREP SYLLABUS ™
Here's a sample Intermediate Algebra problem similar to one you may get on the ACT Test.
Booster Program | 8 Hours | Designed for High Goals
REACH FOR 36 ™ | Student Scores Rise 31- 36
Contact us | Enroll
ACT PREP classes differentiated according to student academic level. (Students come with different levels of experience & test pacing.)
We consider your GPA, ACT Practice or Actual Test Score. Because we use diagnostic data up front & throughout our course, you can rely on targeted & efficient ACT PREP accommodating each student's needs.
Tests are self-proctored by students; sometimes a parent helps to time the first test to maximize tutoring time. Your investment is spent on instruction and not spent on paying us to watch a clock.
• Affordable ACT PREP
• 25+ years in tutoring serving Naperville area and surrounding schools
Are You Prepared for your ACT Test?
Are You Ready to Score Your Best on the ACT Test? REACH FOR 36 ™
We see major changes in the ACT scores after multiple practice tests!
Parents are excited about good news of their son's or daughter's University Admittance and Scholarship opportunities.
Naperville Tutoring's students are talented: intelligent, creative, determined & committed hard workers; they are interesting & fun! When students are provided guidance, education, a path way to success: we see students respond with discipline & commitment to work hard for their goal ..... we see sons and daughters flourish! We see parents very proud!
We are delighted when we hear students reach their test goals and soon after hear news from the families whose son or daughter receives an invitation & admittance to his or her Dream University, often with significant scholarships.
The following test results reflect improvement in students' actual ACT composite scores. 3 - 9 points up were achieved by students who prepared for the ACT Test. Naperville Tutoring’s students have achieved an average ACT test score improvement of 3 to 4 points, with many increasing their score by 5 - 6 points, and some students 7 - 9 points up, ACT Composite & equivalent SAT Composite points up.
Many students have achieved scores of 30, 32, 33, 34 & 35's.
Even Perfect ACT Scores of 36 & 1600 SAT Score are sometimes achieved!
We post ACT scores as they are less variable, more precise, thus easier to understand. The equivalent SAT scores are being achieved.
32-36, 29-33, 27-33, 26-30, 28-35, 27-31, 28-35, 28-34, 25-29, 27-31, 22-27, 28-32, 30-36, 25-27, 25-30, 28-32, 29-31, 26-32, 24-29, 26-32, 29-31, 25-30, 28-35, 28-32, 27-31, 25-29, 21-24, 22-27, 25-32, 25-32, 22-27, 21-24, 25-29, 27-31, 22-27, 28-32, 30-36, 25-27, 25-30, 28-32, 29-31, 26-32, 24-29, 25-29, 26-32, 32-35, 22-31, 23-27, 24-27, 27-32, 23-26, 17-22, 27-31, 22-31, 29-31, 32-34, 27-29, 22-29, 19-22, 24-29, 26-33, 28-33, 29-32, 21-25, 28-34, 25-31, 27-29, 29-30, 26-30, 26-30, 26-31, 25-30, 17-24, 16-22, 30-32, 29-31, 21-26, 20-25, 20-26, 23-25, 27-30, 22-24, 29-31, 22-30, 24-27, 28-32, 26-34, 32-34, 22-30, 24-28, 26-29, 26-30, 16-24, 18-23, 29-32, 28-32, 19-23, 20-24, 20-25, 30-33 SuperScore, 25-27, 24-26, 30-32, 28-31
Sharpen & Increase your Competitive EDGE | High School and College | Education, Guidance and Evaluation
ZOOM for SUMMIT ACT PREP ™ or One-on-One ACT PREP sessions.
See what Naperville students and parents are saying about our tutoring services
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© 2025 SMS Design, Inc. ™ | All rights reserved Naperville Tutoring | SUMMIT ACT & SAT PREP ™ & SUMMIT HSPT PREP ™ are divisions & trademarks of SMS Design, Inc. Terms of Use |
ACT Test Preparation To Raise Your ACT Score

Naperville Tutoring's ACT Test results are providing
Naperville area high school and
Out-of-State students many options
for the universities of their choice.
Student's receive direct admittance
to the college,
along with
notable academic scholarships.
Scholarships help parents,
their son or daughter, significantly reduce
costs of an Excellent University Education.
Naperville Tutoring | ACT PREP | SUMMIT ACT PREP ™
Customized & Individualized ACT Test PREP
To Raise Your ACT Score
Contact us | Enroll

We are honored to serve Naperville area Schools
Naperville Central High School
& Naperville North High School
in Naperville Community Unit School District 203;

Metea Valley High School,
Neuqua Valley High School,
& Waubonsie Valley High School
in Indian Prairie School District 204;
Benet Academy, St. Francis High School,
Joliet Catholic Academy, Montini Catholic High School,

Glenbard West High School, Hinsdale Central High School,
Lexington High School, MA; Wheaton North High School,
Xavier College Prep High School, Palm Desert, CA
Downers Grove South and North High Schools,

Lisle, Somonauk High School,

Ottawa High School, Oswego High School,
Plainfield East, North, Central, South High Schools
& Willowbrook High School.

We offer ZOOM to Students throughout the U.S.

Naperville Tutoring's ACT Test results are providing
Naperville area high school and
Out-of-State students many options
for the universities of their choice.
Student's receive direct admittance
to the college,
along with
notable academic scholarships.
Scholarships help parents,
their son or daughter, significantly reduce
costs of an Excellent University Education.
Naperville Tutoring | ACT PREP | SUMMIT ACT PREP ™
To Raise Your ACT Score


We are honored to serve Naperville area Schools
Naperville Central High School
& Naperville North High School
in Naperville Community Unit School District 203;
Metea Valley High School,
Neuqua Valley High School,
& Waubonsie Valley High School
in Indian Prairie School District 204;
Benet Academy, St. Francis High School,
Joliet Catholic Academy, Montini Catholic High School,
Glenbard West High School, Hinsdale Central High School,
Lexington High School, MA; Wheaton North High School,
Xavier College Prep High School, Palm Desert, CA
Downers Grove South and North High Schools,
Lisle, Somonauk High School,
Ottawa High School, Oswego High School,
Plainfield East, North, Central, South High Schools
& Willowbrook High School.
We offer ZOOM to Students throughout the U.S.
A.F. | Student | Plainfield East High School
One-on-One ACT PREP | ACT Test Results | 9 Points Up | 22 to 31
I hope you are both doing well and wanted to let you know that I passed my goal and received a 31 on the February ACT! I am extremely thankful for all of your help and support and I miss learning from you! Individually, I received a 34 on the English section, a 32 on the reading section, a 29 on the math section, and a 30 on the science section. Thank you
Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me to surpass my goal!! The Barron’s helped and they were harder than the other tests, so I am more prepared. The teachers explained things in an easy way to understand and my practice test scores reached past my goal. I will recommend your services to everyone I know:) A F Goal 30
We know A really enjoyed her experience with you and learned things she was never taught in school. We believe she will well exceed her goal on her test. This has been a very warm and inviting environment to learn in. Thank you so much.
J. & J. F. | Mom & Dad | Plainfield East High School
SUMMIT ACT PREP | ACT Test Results | 7 Points Up | 27 to 34
I love the environment here; I always feel welcome and comfortable. It's very evident that you are both extremely knowledgeable and experienced with what you do
. Even though I was busy and had other work to do, you both always pushed me to not accept anything less than my very best. Thank you both so much for this experience; I owe my success and progress to you.
C.H. | Student | Naperville North High School
C hit her goal of 34! We are very proud of her.
A.F. | Mom | Naperville North High School
Small Group ACT PREP Class | ACT Test Results | 5 Points Up | 20 to 25
M.W. | Student | Waubonsie Valley High School
One-on-One ACT PREP | ACT Test Results | 5 Points Up | 19 to 24
I would whole heartedly recommend Naperville Tutoring for ACT Tutoring. I found them to be very knowledgeable about all the subjects while honing in on my weaker areas. I enjoyed tutoring in their home and found it to be clean, professional, and quiet. By working with Paul and Joan, my ACT score improved 4.50 points. With hard work and dedication in athletics, academic studies, and ACT tutoring, I received an academic and athletic scholarship. The money to invest in learning how to take the ACT Test is worth it!
WJM | Student | Oswego High School
Small Group ACT PREP Class | ACT Test Results | 4 Points Up | 20 to 24
W.B. | Student | Neuqua Valley High School
Small Group ACT PREP Class | Straddle Approach | ACT Test Results | 8 Points Up | 16 to 24
I just wanted to happily let you guys know that I got a 24 on my latest ACT ...that's 4 points higher than my last! I felt this class helped me understand techniques to use during the ACT test. It helped me improve my time management during the tests. I feel that when I took the ACT Test, it was a lot easier than the ACT Practice Test . All in all, I surprisingly had fun during ACT PREP! The Barrons books were difficult, but helpful. I definitely like the ACT Real PREP Book though. Thank you! I would like to proudly inform you both that I was admitted to my reach school, Loyola University! This was a dream school and I truthfully thought I would’t be able to get in but I made it!I just wanted to thank you guys because without you I would not be at this point, so thank you!
Y. P. | Student | Naperville North High School
You and Paul have really made a dramatic impact on Y!
B.P. | Mom | Naperville North High School
One-on-One ACT PREP | ACT Test Results | 4 Points Up | 18 to 22
Hi Mr and Mrs Kaliher, How are you guys doing? I just wanted to let you know that I did take the Act Test and I did receive a 22! YAY!
T. S. | Student | Neuqua Valley High School
Small Group ACT PREP Class | ACT Test Results | 6 Points Up | 18 to 24
I wanted to let you know that M achieved her goal of 24 on her latest ACT! I do not believe she will be taking it again, as she is satisfied with this score and believes it is good enough to get her into her first choice of schools, UW - La Crosse.
Thanks for your help with M. I definitely think it made a difference in helping her achieve her goal. Thank you.
J.W. | Mom | Naperville Central High School
Small Group ACT PREP Class | Straddle Approach | ACT Test Results | 3 Points Up | 24 to 27
The great part of this class is that it really puts you into that ACT testing mode. I know that the more practice I do, the better I will be at recognizing the questions and answering them faster. I thought it was also great that you guys knew what I was good at and what I needed help with. You both took the time to help me improve in all areas. Thank you!
M. C. | Naperville North High School
Wanted to let you know that M is moving in the right direction. She recently found out that she got a 27. Thank you for all your help!
L. C. | Mom | Naperville North High School
Small Group ACT PREP Class | ACT Test Results | 2 Points Up | 30 to 32
Over the course of this month, I feel I've picked up many useful strategies and tactics to understand and excel on the ACT Test. In questions I got wrong, I received In-depth analysis of individual questions and basic rules to follow (such as choosing the concise answer on the English portion), This class has given me a better grasp than a high school course would have.
J. C. | Student | Metea Valley High School
32 Composite, 32 English, 29 Math , 32 Reading & 33 Science. Northwestern added to the list of schools along with U. of Illinois. Thank you.
H.S. | Mom | Metea Valley High School
Small Group ACT PREP Class | ACT Test Results | 30
I would definitely say that this tutoring class helped me improve on my ACT scores and it is evident in the scores I received. A steady increase from a 28 to a 33 over 5 practice tests really shows how my skills progress. I would certainly note that the small class size and closeness of the tutoring helped me to excel than an average size classroom. Thanks for the help!
P. M. | Student | Metea Valley High School
One-on-One ACT PREP | ACT Test Results | 4 Points Up | 29 to 31 | Super Scored 33
We are delighted with the tutoring our daughter received from Naperville Tutoring. Joan and Paul were committed, knowledgeable, and very resourceful. After each session, her confidence soared and her scores improved. As a parent that is what you want to see, I would recommend their services to anyone!
T. C. | Mom | Metea Valley High School
I attended the Naperville Tutoring One-on-One private ACT PREP sessions simply hoping to improve my score. I was not sure where to begin, but with their help, I learned how to see and respond to problems differently. Throughout the sessions, we targeted my weaknesses and further improved my strengths. The sessions themselves revolve around active participation by working out missed or confusing problems or simply asking questions, which allow me to really understand and apply it later. By the end of the sessions, I not only increased my score, but also gained an immeasurable amount of confidence. I was able to walk into the test, truly believing I could succeed. Super scored a 33, so that's really good because a lot of my colleges take the highest from all tests.
After months of heavy deliberation, I've decided to attend the University of Chicago and I'm really excited. It was great working with you guys and I wish you continued success in your business.
L. C. | Student | Metea Valley High School
SUMMIT ACT PREP | ACT Test Results | 2 Points Up | 30 to 32
Naperville Tutoring has brought my ACT score so much higher than I had anticipated coming from 2 previous ACT prep classes. I feel so much more prepared after 2 weeks with Naperville Tutoring than from former months of ACT PREP practice. The 2 teachers on 1 student structure truly pushed me to work harder than ever and the work is paying off. By exposing me to so many different kinds of problems and giving me new tips and tricks, I know I am ready for test day.
C. S. | Student | Naperville North High School
One-on-One ACT PREP | ACT Test Results | 4 Points Up | 23 to 27
As A. gets ready to sign her National Letter of Intent (NLI) tomorrow to play Division I college hockey on a full ride, she owes thanks to all of the great coaches that have helped her achieve her goals. You guys are among those great coaches.
When we came to you, A. was heavily recruited and had offers from a number of NCAA DI schools including some Ivies. You guys sat down with us and developed a unique game plan that fit her demanding travel schedule. You designed practices for her and coached her to master her skills and technique. After watching her take early practice ACT tests on the road, I could not have imagined the calm confidence that she displayed before and after the official test. By “game” day, you had converted a nervous wreck into a confident test taker.
With your help, the hard work paid off. A. achieved personal bests in all subject areas and raised her composite score by 4 points overall. By doing so, she had achieved the ACT score necessary to attend any of the schools that were recruiting her - even those in the Ivy League.
Again, thank you for being great coaches!
M.C. | Dad | Waubonsie Valley High School
(A note from Naperville Tutoring: We know this father & daughter were generous in going forward with our ACT PREP. When A. received the good news of a full-ride athletic scholarship to Mankato, they still made an ACT PREP investment to help other students who might qualify for scholarship assistance. How generous A.C. and Mr. M.C.)
One-on-One ACT PREP | Straddled ACT PREP | 2 ACT Tests | 4 Points Up | 27 to 31
I don't know if M replied or not. She got a composite score of 31 on the April test. She was very excited, as were her mother and I. She plans to take the test again on June 8th. Without any pressure on her having the 31 in hand, she hopes she can improve just one more point. Her decision to go for it, not ours. My wife and I thank you for helping her. While it seems expensive when writing the check, the merit award scholarship money a score of 31 provides along with her GPA and other activities, puts her well on her way to getting a great education, and without a mountain of debt when she is done. Thank you.
B.R. | Dad | Plainfield North High School
Help for Your ACT Test
We are honored & proud to serve Naperville area students ACT and SAT PREP. Naperville Tutoring is delighted to see many ACT Composite score gains: Our average gain we see on the ACT Test is usually 3 to 8 points up. The scores reflected are those that Naperville Tutoring has been made aware of by our students, moms or dads sharing their proud results.
are you prepared for
your ACT test?
Enroll at naperville tutoring